Monday 16 January 2012

What a great monday morning! EXERCISE OF THE WEEK

Now I don't want to keep going on about how much I love my job, but it really is the small things that count.
Today I introduced "exercise of the week" which seemed to go down well, with a few of my clients giving it a try. It was a "single leg lift seated on swiss ball"- here is a picture.

The core muscles come into play as you stabilise yourself changing legs. The only adjustment I made was to place the arms at the sides. One lady did it with her arms out to the sides at shoulder height! I was really happy as some of these clients have health and mobility issues, but since they have been using the EASYLINE TECHNOGYM equipment, some no longer need to walk with a stick.
I have added the swiss ball, hand weights and resistance bands to the sessions quite successfully. Not only are they benefiting from the variety of movements, but I am having a whale of a time demonstrating gym exercises - I love it!
It's always nice to hear your feedback about my workouts. together with the results you can SEE, it helps guide me as an instructor. I can bring you new things to try, if you didn't think you could do it - go on, surprise yourself!
Anyhow, I'll leave you with a nice picture, well it's my poster for my new BOOTCAMP class starting in february. If you are local, come along - beginners are very welcome.

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