Monday 23 July 2012

It's never too late....

After a VERY busy morning in the gym, I've been relaxing and having a look at pictures on google image of different client groups exercising. I work with many different age groups and although EASYLINE was originally marketed to the over 50's age group, anyone over age 14 can use it really. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE OVER 50!!!! Hope you heard that :)
Unfortunately, though - many people leave fitness until some might say - it's too late. Or is  it? Some of my gym members are in the older generation and have been exercising as a way of life since way back when, others are in the group which have retired or been made redundant, or even been "sent" by the doctor who has told them they must make time for exercise or make time for illness, the choice is theirs as only they can decide that they want to be there......
Check out these pictures I've found, they are inspirational!

I have ladies in their 80's who come to my gym sessions. I don't think it's too late, do you?

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